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How to Design a Dating App: UI/UX Design Trends and Tips

How to Design a Dating App: UI/UX Design Trends and Tips

How to design a dating app, following the best practices the online daters are already used to but still making your future solution outstanding? In this article, we are going to discuss the main dating app design tips, trends, and best practices to help you grab winning ideas and get inspired.

Dating App Design Trends

Dating applications are trendy by themselves – in the background of the recent pandemic and in response to the never-ending busyness of modern people, they are easy solutions to satisfy the need for love, support, and friendship. That’s why we have already discussed how to build an online dating website from scratch , so now let’s take a closer look at the design for a dating application since this is one of the pillars that makes the most popular online dating apps so demanding.

1. Mobile Experience First

There are more than 40 million online dating app users, and half of them are using their favorite applications from a mobile device. The share of mobile users shows a stable growth during the recent three years (with a sudden peak in 2020) – there are 24,5 of them in 2021, while their number is projected to reach 25,7 by 2023.

So, if you are going to design a dating app , make sure to prioritize the mobile experience. This trend will only become stronger in response to modern people’s busyness and the dating apps UI design which becomes more advanced and convenient year after year.

2. Intuitive UX Writing

Despite all the benefits online dating applications come with, the users still have some concerns , especially those who are using these solutions for the first time. However, creating a friendly dating app UX and UI can be an option to make users feel more secure and engaged. Professional UI writing along with an engaging and friendly tone is a good tactic to help users relax, seamlessly onboard, and let the dating process start.